Air Locker Locking Differential ARB – Jeep Grand Cherokee XJ 84-01

1.136,00 +IVA


Jeep Grand Cherokee XJ 84-01 Air Locker ARB RD104

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SKU: ARBRD104 Categorías: , , , , Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , ,


ARB Air Locker’s patented design has proved ultra dependable, even in the most arduous conditions. It’s strength lies in its simplicity & minimal moving parts ensures maximum reliability. All structural components are manufactured from aerospace grades of high alloy steel, and where possible, we increase the number of differential pinion gears to distribute torque loads evenly. Many recent Air Locker designs also utilise timed gear sets to further improve strength, a design feature that has led to a second US patent on the product.


  • Provides 100% traction on demand without affecting on road drivability or driveline wear
  • Vastly improved traction means less reliance on momentum, thus reducing the likelihood of vehicle damage and environmental impact
  • Easy, convenient operation allows the user to concentrate on the terrain without leaving the comfort and safety of the driver’s seat
  • Ultra durable and extremely strong – only the highest quality materials used in construction
  • Incredibly simple yet effective design that employs minimal moving parts, thereby ensuring maximum reliability
  • Thoroughly tested and proven design & trusted and used in over 80 countries around the world
  • Front and rear Air Lockers available for most makes and models
  • Easy installation and maintenance & no special tools, skills or additives required
  • Air compressor also provides convenient, reliable source of air for inflating tyres, camping and leisure equipment

Información adicional

Peso 20000 kg